The party rise early and depart. As they leave the city a scuffle breaks out behind them between the guards and a small stranger. The stranger casts a spell and bright colorful lights engulf the two gurads, and one of them drops to the floor. Laen casts a spell. Roots and weeds spring from the road and twist around the strangers ankles, holding him fast. The second guard hop-scotches in past the weeds, sword drawn, and attemps to fell him. The stranger casts another spell and vanishes.
After a moment the fallen guard stands up, shaking the sleep from his eyes. Laen dispells his Entangle spell. The rest of the guards fan out, searching for the witch. Suddenly a horse rears and begins to canter away. Laen fires some arrows at the invisible rider, which miss, and Thorhal threatens the horse with his spear, but lets the rider past. A guard mounts a horse and pursues. Moments later a familiar face emerges from the city; Commander Hayn from the Knights Lonusso. He recognises the party and breifly explains that the stranger who just escaped is a convicted gnomish witch named Fonkin who was due to be rightfully burned. Hayn rides off after the riderless horse.
The party continue along the road out of Belm. In the distance they see two riders, Hayn and the guard, standing beside their two horses. The guard reports he had nearly caught the rider when he saw a flash of bright colors, and the next thing he knew he was lying in the dirt next to his horse, asleep. The party camp that night in the countryside.
Godsday, the 6th of Terullius.
The day passes uneventfully. They arrive in Ninald and find an inn. During the evening they visit an ale house, and hear tales of gnomes throughout Ninald being arrested and taken to Belm for questioning.
Earthday, the 7th of Terullius.
As they leave Ninald a rider from the Knights Lonusso passes them. They hail him and breifly acertain that he is indeed hunting the countryside for the gnomish witch. The are about an hour out of Ninald when they spot the rider's horse outside a farmer's house. They approach and hear shouting. The gnome is upstairs, and has taken a hostage. The knight is reluctant to enter alone and orders the party to stand guard and not allow the gnome to leave. Then he mounts his horse and rides to Ninald for backup.
The party begin dialogue with Fonkin. He is holding a dagger to a young woman's throat on the upper floor. They manage to calm him down and explain that they know of the wizard's guild in Belm, and that they are on friendly terms with them. Thorhal gives several names of people he knows to be wizards, including Wanda. The gnome hasn't hurt anyone yet, and seems reluctant to harm the girl. They offer to help him get free if he will travel with them and read some scrolls for them. It could be dangerous though. Fonkin weighs his options and agrees.
They mess the house up a bit and make it look like a fight took place. Fonkin runs to the river and they party 'track' him there. When the knights Lonusso return they explain what 'happened'. The knights examine the damage to the house, see Thorhal's bruises, and the tracks leading to the river. They buy the story and the party eventually leaves. They meet up again with Fonkin on the border to Licter and stay in Germma for the evening.
Airday the 8th to Lightday the 9th of Terullius.
The party travel uneventfully, arriving in Gassell.
Fireday, the 10th of Terullius.
They check in at the church of Angenus in Gassell, and meet Father Campbell. He confirms that he is a friend of Father Cathon, and offers to help. They tell him that Xavier should be arriving shortly, and they leave their intentions with Campbell to pass on. They stable Donkey and leave for the Karune Mountains, following Old Sol's directions. They follow the valley, ford the river, travel up a smaller vally to the right, and follow the ridgeline through the bush, camping overnight near the tops.
Waterday, the 11th of Terullius.
They travel along the tops for several hours until they make out the small building that Old Sol described. The approach cautiously, but find nobody there. They find the statue of Old Sol's friend Carthon. A scroll is handed to Fonkin, who reads the runes and completes the spell. The statue slowly become warms, and converts back to flesh. Carthon opens his eyes, sees the party standing over him, and panicks. Thorhal tries to restrain him but Carthon thrashes free and runs for his life. They call after him, but to no avail.
Next, they go to the ruined church. Grymdoin takes interest in the solid construction of the walls, and the size of the stones used in its construction. It must have been crafted by drwarves or giants, though giants could never have constructed anything which resembles a building, and certainly not a church.
Thorhal moves towards the altar and falls into a hidden pit trap. Someone obviously inhabits this area. He climbs out and Grymdoin heals his bruises. The man hangs above the altar, exactly as pictured by Old Sol. The second scroll is given to Fonkin, and moments later the man is alive, writhing in agony from the nails through is hands and feet. They bring him down and, with the help of Thorhal's crowbar and the man's powerful strength they wrench the nails from the wood. The large man frees himself from his crucifix and wrenches the nails from his limbs. He stands weakly before the group, towering above them even in his weakened form. His name is Hariel, one of the remaining host true to the kingdom of Heaven. Laen notices the nails are not regular iron nails, and pockets them.
Hariel tells the party he has been held captive by a group of magicians which periodically return him to flesh and ritually bleed him. They cut off his wings and bound him to the cross. Somehow the nails they used severed his connectino to god, and he has been at their mercy ever since. The group is led by a demon who he must destroy as soon as is possible. He wants to go now to perform the deed but the party stop him; he is clearly in no state to fight a demon. He makes Thorhal promise to return the following day, then agrees to come with them to prepare. The party think it strange that an angel could be so hellbent on destruction. Since when did mortals give advice to angels?
They heal the wounds in his hands and feet, and leave the ruined chapel. As they leave they reencounter Carthon. Thorhal explains to him that they were sent by his friend Sol, who is now called Old Sol because he's so Old. He's probably been frozen in stone like that for fifty years or so. Carthon reels at the information, then leaves for Belm to seek his old friend. The party camp for the night half way down the mountain.
Iceday the 12th of Terullius.
Grymdoin meditates as the sun rises. He notices that the angel is also meditating. As the first golden rays of the sun fall upon them he feels the usual welling up of divine power, but he senses a second source of power emanating from the angel. Hariel sits cross-legged, almlost naked, and eyes closed. He is muttering something under his breath. As the warmth of the sun heats his skin, his body begins to glow. His white, clammy appearence deepens to a warm, pink complexion. His hair unmatts and the rings under his eyes smoothen and disappear. A magical aura surrounds him, then slowly expands to encompass Grymdoin. Hariel casts a spell on himself, and his chest swells a little. His skin becomes slightly more taut and his veins seem to be... fuller. Grymdoin uses a second Lesser Restoration spell to put more life back into Hariel's body. Hariel thanks him.
The party return to the valley floor and pay for accomodation in a farmer's barn. The party has agreed to return to the next day, however Hariel is still unarmed and unarmoured. They must prepare first. Hopefully they can convince the angel to wait a little longer before venting his wrath. They will try to acquire a weapon large enough for him, and possibly there is a way to magically regrow his wings.
Fonkin reminds the party that his service has been rendered, and their agreement now concluded. He leaves with thanks.
GM's Notes:
- Obstacles Overcome:
Knight of Lonusso (bluffed), CR1 => 300XP / 3 = 100XP each
Fonkin, CR5 => 1,600XP (@lvl 4) / 3 = 533XP, or 1800XP (@lvl 3) / 3 = 600XP
Camoflauged Pit Trap, CR3 => 800XP / 3 = 266XP, or 900XP (@lvl 3) / 3 = 300XP
Xavier = 9262XP (82% to level 5)
Laén = 9562XP + 900 = 10462XP (9% to level 6, new level!)
Þórhal = 8300XP + 900 = 9200XP (80% to level 5)
Grymdoin = 3300XP + 1000 = 4300XP (43% to level 4)
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