Tuesday 4 September 2007

The Hobgoblin's Lair

Roland returns! He is staying in Zürich for three nights and we play on two of them. Alex sacrifices his Aikido, I sacrifice my Kung-Fu and Jürgen sacrifices a barbecue. We all sacrifice sleep.

Although I immensely enjoy it, I'm feeling a little burnt out from writing DnD session summaries in another game, so there'll be a little less illustratio.

Fireday the 19th of Polvius, 2044 (cont.)
The party take a hobgoblin bandit prisoner. They try tying him up, but they're so hopeless with ropes they resort to sitting on him with a weapon at the ready. The mule is shaken at being shot, but with some coercing calms down and can pull the cart again. The party move on.

After some time they reach The Penn township. It's just a bunch of houses on either side of the coastal road between Belm and Louchester. It's dark, it's late, and there is no inn. They decide to ask a local farmer for help and knock on a door at 4am in the morning. It is opened by a friendly gentleman holding a very big crossbow. They give him a whole gold piece and he calms right down and lets them sleep in his barn. They spend the night guarding the prisoner in shifts.

Waterday the 20th of Polvius, 2044
Next morning they order breakfast to go and take the prisoner to a 'nice quiet place' where they can talk. The bugbear is smart enough to know that if he narks his clan brothers will kill him, and if he doesn't keeps his trap shut the humans will kill him. He chooses door number three and tries to escape. Unsuccessfully.

The party scratch their heads and decide to return to Belm, hire a ranger and try and figure out where they went. Next morning Lionel, the farmer they stayed with, spots them and comes over for a yarn. They learn that Farmer Brown's cow Bessie was stolen last night. (Farmer Brown? Please! And the guy across the street's Old MacDonald. I should stop trying to make up names.) They talk to Farmer Brown and he shows them the pens she was stolen from. Milo follows hoof-prints eastwards to the vertical cliffs of the peninsula. (Okay, strictly you can't use search to track footprints, but you can use it to 'find a footprint' and he was tracking a damned cow. Besides, I wanted to progress the storyline so I made an exception. GMs can do that.)At the peninsula they spot blood streaks on the cliff face and on the ground. Now why would anyone throw a perfectly good (freshly killed still qualifies) cow into the ocean... unless...

The party wander north and find a beach. There are footprints in the sand. The tide is low and they are able to walk around the rocks at the bottom of the cliff. Sure enough there is what appears to be a cave entrance *just* visible above the waves. They step into the water and get attacked by the shark I put there. They hurt it and it goes away but returns when they enter again. They enter the water together and it leaves them alone. They swim into the cave.

The inner cave opens up into a cavern. They move a little way and spot two hobgoblin guards in the main room. Throwing stones to distract them they draw them in and kill them with relative silence. They light torches and proceed forwards.

Basically the rest was a slaughter fest. They encountered and killed 7 guards plus the cook and Kuglak the boss. Tundil charged across a room into a pit trap (he was possibly a little too far away to charge, but I was nice and let him do it), Thoral wore a critical hit and went down to -8, the swinging log trap missed Milo and didn't do 4d6 damage, and Wanda walked out on 1 hit point. They freed three prisoners, Thoral slaughtered the hobgoblin women and children, and they pillaged everything they could find.

They returned heroically to Belm. Word of their deeds spread through the taverns (which they learned whenever they blew a gather information roll). The sun shone, the birds sang, and somewhere high in the heavens God was smiling.

(Actually God was smiling because he'd just invented the Platypus, but he was indeed smiling.)

GM's Notes:
  • Obstacles Overcome:
    7 guards + Grak the cook = 8 Hobgoblin warriors (CR½: 1200) +
    Kuglak, warrior 3 (CR2: 200XP) +
    Shark, Large (CR2: 600XP) +
    Buried crossbow trap (CR1: 300XP) +
    Spiked Pit trap (CR2: 600XP) +
    Swinging Log trap (CR2: 600XP)

    Total XP = 3500 / 5 = 700XP each

    Milo, Uther and Wanda: 2427XP + 700XP = 3127XP (level up!, 4.23% to level 4)
    Tundil: 2477XP + 700XP = 3177XP (level up!, 5.9% to level 4)
    Thorhal: 1440XP + 700XP = 2140XP (57% to level 3)

  • The session itself went relatively well I felt. Invariably the party did other things than I had planned, and I rearranged things slightly or made exceptions (as noted above) to keep things moving. A little experience will make this more natural I think.


Anonymous said...

Roland returns, Roland returns, who is interested in Rolands returns?
Tungdil is back, also his girlfrie.....I mean his female camerad in war Wanda the small mage.
I assume that our GM has sacrified to much of his sleep otherwise he would have noticed the great role of tungdil in the cleaning of the hobgloblins lair.Sure at some point I was sitting inside of a trap, but I have managed out this by myself....in full armour please.....and have killed the rest of the enemies which would have otherwise hold some barbecue with the rest of my party.
Also all of our other heroic battles and the hard liberation of the prisoners.....yeah you should try to open such a heavy door.....and the mass murder of Thoral on the helpless babies and women of the hobgoblins.....I will keep an eye of him....nobody knows if at some point he will decide, that we look like hobgoblin babies....no, no, I will keep an eye on him.
After the battle they have choosen me as curator of our gold.....ooooh beautiful gold and gems....I'm loving it.....8-}
But I'm not loving to pay for other people armour and weapon....why should I do this with MY money? Tell me why? I don't know why?
But I have done this, because the other are taller than me.....the next time I will show them who I am, and I will not pay for them with MY gold.....yeah I will do this....the next time.....

Marco said...

A glimpse, if you will, at the antics that surround our gaming table. I doubt that a more opposite set of players exist. It's fantastic. :)